Rambling with Randy

Randy: Well, how are you? How is your calligraphy coming along?
Joe: I need more practice.
Randy: Okay, well, practice makes perfect. Maybe you’ll show me your work next time?
Joe: Not next time, but maybe the time after that.

Teacher: Great. So, what else are you doing for Chinese New Year?
Randy: I’ll go to Xi’an with my mom for maybe eight days, then I’ll come back on February 5th.
Teacher: That sounds like fun. I’m glad you have some time to spend with your grandparents. I know what they will say: “Oh! How tall you are getting!”

Teacher: You know, I don’t do many classes anymore. I used to teach a lot, and it was fun, but I didn’t want it to feel like a job. I still do a few here and there, though. Let me show you my schedule.
(Shares screen)
Teacher: Next week, I have six classes. That’s enough for me! The following week, I’m taking a break.

Teacher: Oh, I have some news—we got a new dog! But we have to send her back. It’s a purebred miniature poodle. 哦,我有消息了——我们养了一只新狗!但我们必须把她送回去。这是一只纯种迷你贵宾犬。

¡Ah, tengo novedades! ¡Tenemos una perrita nueva! Pero tenemos que devolverla. Es una caniche miniatura de raza pura.

My wife, Anna, has always wanted one. It’s a lovely black poodle named Bella. She’s a beautiful show-quality dog, but here’s the problem—she barks at Ralphie, our other dog, and even tried to bite him. Anna is very sad, but we’ve decided to return Bella next week. Ralphie has to come first; he’s the king of the house.

Randy: Yes, Ralphie is the first. That dog, Bella, sounds noisy!
Teacher: She is. Her bark is high-pitched and constant—it’s not pleasant.

Randy: Maybe your neighbors will complain?
Teacher: Our neighbors have noisy dogs too, but we don’t mind because they’re good watchdogs. We don’t even hear them much because Anna is partially deaf, and I’m losing my hearing too.

Teacher: Oh, by the way, do you know about the app called RedNote?
Randy: Yes, I’ve heard of it.
Teacher: It’s like a Chinese version of TikTok. Millions of Americans joined it after TikTok was banned here. It’s great for sharing culture. I’ve learned about Chinese food, traditions, and even travel tips.

Randy: That’s interesting. You and Anna should visit China!
Teacher: We’d love to! Flights are surprisingly affordable, especially if we stop in Tokyo first. Hotels like the Holiday Inn are also reasonably priced.

Randy: If you come, my family can host you. You wouldn’t need to stay in a hotel.
Teacher: That’s incredibly kind of you. Your dad has already sent me such thoughtful gifts, like the calligraphy supplies.

Teacher: Speaking of calligraphy, will you practice more?
Randy: Yes, I will. My dad said he’d send more ink sticks if I need them.
Teacher: Your dad is such a generous man. I feel so lucky to know your family.

Randy: Thank you. I’ll practice and show you soon.

Teacher: Perfect. Let’s wrap up for today. I’ll see you again on Tuesday, and we’ll talk more about the dog and your calligraphy.

Randy: Thank you. See you Tuesday!

Vocabulary Words

Host (HOHST): A person who receives or entertains guests.

Calligraphy (kuh-LIG-ruh-fee): Decorative handwriting or lettering.

Purebred (PYOO-er-bred): An animal bred from parents of the same breed.

High-pitched (HY-piTCHT): A sound that is very sharp or shrill.

Refugee (ref-yoo-JEE): A person who has to leave their country due to danger or conflict.

Generous (JEN-er-uhs): Willing to give more than is necessary or expected.

Affordable (uh-FORD-uh-buhl): Inexpensive, reasonably priced.

Tradition (truh-DISH-uhn): Customs or beliefs passed down within a culture.

Culture (KUHL-cher): The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a group of people.

Influence (IN-floo-uhns): The power to have an effect on someone or something.

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